So, Porto was so inspiring! We saw so many interesting things- one that surprised us is this series of masks we found in a small exhibition inside the Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar, in Vila Nova de Gaia:
I think they´re traditional masks from the ancient peoples of the North of Portugal (can someone confirm?) and what we found surprising is that we found VERY similar masks in the Taranului Muzeul (Museum of the Farmer) in Bucharest! (also check this blog!)
Speaking of was maybe not a coincidence that a wondeful Romanian guy hosted us in Porto! Marius showed us some amazing, uncommon views of the city, filled with poetry and accompanied by his interesting talks about a wide range of topics.
In the pic above you can see Marius on the left, near his friend Marco, and Alina on the background. They´re three of the seven authors of this nice jam we made in the evening after a dinner in Marco´s and Joana´s place:
Summarizing, the seven authors were: Ilaria, Om Sharan, Marius, Marco, Joana, Alina and an Israeli guy whose name we really couldn´t understand! (sorry!) Joana is on the left on the first of the following pics, while the mysterious Israeli guy is wearing a green t-shirt on the second :)
We´re especially grateful to Marius for his warm hospitality, and to Marco and Joana for their generosity. Thank you all for taking part into the jam and giving your contribution to the Flying Sketchbook!